Tuesday, 8 January 2019

PRAJ Industries- Recruitment UPDATE 2 (Date 8/1/2019)

(1) Written TEST Online link

Please find the below test link which can be shared with the interested students : 


Mechanical Tests for Batch - 1 
Test URL :- https://tests.mettl.com/ 
Test Invitation Key:932768f4 

Please note the link would be active between 9 am to 11 AM on 8th of January 2019 

Mechanical Tests for Batch - 2 
Test URL :- https://tests.mettl.com/ 
Test Invitation Key:6b8bd2c 

Please note the link would be active between 11 am to 1 PM on 8th of January 2019 

The assessment is of 75 minutes with 60 questions and 2 sections Aptitude and Domain.  

(2) Presentation of Company & GAME PLAY

Students shortlisted on the basis of written examination are required to attend the same as under.

VENUE - Alumini Hall - Computer Building

Time 2-20p.m. onwards

Date & Day : Wednesday 9/1/2019

(3) Personal Interview 

Students shortlisted on the basis of game performance, are required to appear for personal interview as under:

VENUE - Alumini Hall - Computer Building

Time  08-45a.m. onwards

Date & Day : Thrusday 10/01/2019

Student must bring their 

Resume, ONE set of mark-sheets (10th, 12th, Diploma till last sem) self attested, Certificates of credentials (Prize won, participation in events etc), AADHAR Card copy(ID proof), Student ID Card

Thursday, 3 January 2019

UPDATE 1--PRAJ Industries---Shortlisted students and ONLINE test--Campus recruitment Drive

UPDATE -1 RECRUITMENT OF  DIPLOMA Mechanical Engineers - Batch 2019

Nme of Company: PRAJ Industries

Date of online test- 8th Januvary, 2019 (TUESDAY) sharp at 9-00am

Venue- Computer Department- TFGP ADIPUR

Total session duration will be 1:30 hrs  ( 15 minutes for updation of basic details - name  , enrollment number name of institute etc. and 75  minutes  for test) 

Shortlisted students for  ONLINE test--are as under::::
Select your branch  of study  Select in which section you are Studying : Grant in Aid or SFI Section Your enrollment number (as per GTU) Name of Candidate
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319005 Brijrajsinh Jayubha Chauhan
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319012 Kedarbhai Atulkumar Jani
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319013 Nitin Vinodbhai Jogi
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319015 Mohammadayaz Abdulaziz Khalifa
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319017 Jay Kishor bhai Lohar
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319018 Dhruval Bharatbhai Luhar
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319021 Priyank Mavjibhai Malsatar
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319022 Kiran Meghaji  Mata
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319031 Yash Prakash Pithadiya 
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319032 Ajay Jayantilal Prajapati
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319033 Pravin Ratilal Prajapati
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319035 Sandip  Revabhai Prajapati 
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319036 Smit Bharatbhai Prajapati
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319037 Ved Harsukh bhai Prajapati
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319039 Pankaj Atmaram  Rana
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319041 Dhaval Damji bhai Rathod
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319043 Mihir Harishbhai Rathod
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319046 Vishal Govindbhai  Sathawara
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319047 Khushal Harilal bhai Sathwara
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319051 Haresh Vasantbhai Solanki
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319052 Hitesh  Mavjibhai  Solanki 
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319056 Nikhil Avinash Tripathi
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319061 Jimit Sanjaykumar Yadav
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 166510319063 Yogendra Bheekham Singh Shekhawat
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 176518319005 Deepak Ashokbhai Garva
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 176518319012 Darshit Prakash bhai Radiya 
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 1665103109028 Navin Rajeshbhai Meghval
Mechanical Grant in Aid (651) 1665103109928 Sanjay Bhavanbhai  Parmar
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319006 Vishal Bharat Bhanushali
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319009 Bharat Devjibhai Chauhan
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319016 Kashyap Deepak Gori
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319028 Meet Lalitkumar Kella
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319032 Sachin Kanji bhai Maheshwari
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319034 Kirti Meghji Mangliya
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319039 Nilesh Chhagan bhai Nanjan
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319049 Dashrath Damji bhai Prajapati
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319050 Sudhir Kishorbhai Prajapati
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319051 Rahul Praveen Rana
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319059 Raj Dilip Somaiya
Mechanical Self Finance (653) 166530319062 Nilesh Virambhai Varchand

After online test, Further screening ( Group games and interview of shortlisted candidates) on 9th Januvary 2019( 3 pm to 6:30 pm) and 10 January 2019 (9:00 am to 12:30 pm) 

ALL shortlisted students should remain  present without fail.